Frequently Arising Objections (FAQs) to a For-Profit Country without Taxes
In 1998, when I first conceived of the notion of a government operating for profit with no taxes or regulations, I didn’t pursue it to get rich or famous. I started researching, fact-checking, developing, and verifying this idea in hopes of creating a better life for myself, my children, and for the people I value in my life.
During the past two plus decades (and counting), I’ve been involved in a lot of conversations on this topic. Sometimes I started the conversation but many other times they were triggered by something someone said to me. For example. whenever a hard-working co-worker, neighbor, or friend said something like, “I’ve had it with all the taxes they take out of my paycheck. . .” I’d immediately come back with, “What if you could live and work in a country with no taxes?”
Or, whenever I talked to a business owner who was bogged down with regulations, fees, and fines, I’d say, “How much more profitable would you be if you didn’t have to pay taxes or comply with government regulations?”
There are thousands of these conversations in the U.S. every day. It’s never been hard to get a person’s interest when you start or shift a conversation to focus on issues like life with no taxes, no regulations, no government entitlements or give-aways, and total freedom. And, as time has gone on and the United States has drifted closer and closer to socialism, holding a person’s attention isn’t nearly as challenging as it was twenty years ago!
All I have to do is get past a handful of very common, knee-jerk objections; objections you may even find yourself having. Following is a sampling of these objections; more will follow and be shared with you.
You cannot make a totally free capitalistic country because the U.S. government will not let you; they will shut you down.
My response: Granted, the U.S. government will go after a foreign for-profit country just as they will also go after any domestic business that is successful without paying off politicians through lobbyists. But, a Global Corporate Constitutional Republic [GCCR] is not a new form of government for the United States. A GCCR is to be started in a territory – somewhere in the world – that GCCR investors (shareholders/citizens) have purchased with its sovereignty.
You cannot buy territory with the sovereignty.
My response: America acquired Alaska from Russia when the czar needed money desperately. Time has passed but there are still politicians in the world who are in desperate need of money. They will sell off a portion of their land with its sovereignty for the right price at the right time. They’ll recognize the offer as a means to stay in power.
You can’t create a country without taxes because there has to be roads.
My response: Yes, roads are important. And, like any vital service provided by government, they can be privatized. Roads as a private for-profit business will be many times less expensive, with better quality, more options, and continuous innovations, repairs, and improvements. Would you be willing to stop paying taxes in exchange for higher quality privatized roads?
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